Monday, 8 October 2012


So, this was the "big" return. Round 1 of 2012/13 Sweep Rug Racers series.

It's a venue that in the past I've had a good amount of success, making every A main that I've been there for in the various classes. It's also run by a great group of guys too, can't fault them in the slightest!

The weekend was the first time behind the sticks since BRCA winter nats in January, so I was a little apprehensive and nervous not to make a tit of myself to say the least!

Sunday morning rolled around far too quickly, up at 4:30am with only a couple of hours sleep after Penny coming home from the o2 in London for Micheal Macyntire show at 1am.
So it was quite a burry eyed version of me that arrived at the Woodson park venue at 7:15am

Everything was set up and ready to go for practise. Had my trusty pitman Carter with me with helped alot! (throughout the event pointing out how slow my car was) haha.

The format to the day was 1x 4min in heat practise. Followed by 4x qualifiers based on FTD. And 2x finals.
FTD seems to suit me well as I hate stringing several runs together lol.

I ended up 7th overall in the fairly competitive 13.5boosted class.
I was only about 5 seconds off TQ which on an 12 second lap, and a 9 month break I'm more than happy with... I didnt even have a clean run.
But did end up with the fastest lap of qualifying.

First final was ok, caught up in first couple of laps rough housing... No change there, then settled into a rythm for the rest of the final and made it back to 4th.
2nd final, again same sort of problem as first, but this time more mistakes on my behalf, and finished up 6th.
Overall it put me 5th for the meeting which I'm very happy with, Alot was learnt. And I got a chance to run that lovely new Sanwa radio... It really is the dogs £@&)@(@"*

Leg 1 of the A main 13.5 I'm the 7th starting car (white and orange)

Leg 2

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